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Online Catalogue

Welcome to OverTheBoard.co.uk - the UK's premier internet chess supplier.

OverTheBoard.co.uk specialises in providing high quality chess sets, chess boards and other chess products to the discerning chess enthusiast.

Choose from our luxury tournament chess sets, classic Staunton style sets, hand painted ornamental sets or our more affordable range. Each set is meticulously finished to look great at a tournament or in your home.

We are dedicated to giving our customers a friendly and efficient service. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are always adding to our online store so check our site frequently.

Happy shopping!

Classic Staunton Chess SetsClassic Staunton Chess Sets
The choice of champions
Luxury Chess SetsLuxury Chess Sets
The finest quality
Undecorated Ornamental Chess SetsUndecorated Ornamental Chess Sets
Simple, stylish, collectable
Chess BoardsChess Boards
The battle ground
Chess ClocksChess Clocks
Time waits for no one
Chess BooksChess Books
Some of the best chess books ever!
Chess SoftwareChess Software
From beginner to Grand Master

Classic Staunton

Solution Graphics

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Our delivery charges are based on weight and are set out on our 'Delivery' page.

Happy shopping!